2018 brings changes to CIRDLES.org including a new background color and team hats.

Jake Marotta graduated in December 2017 and is re-joining us as a graduate research assistant in the College’s Computer Science Masters Degree Program. Jake will be the team lead for Topsoil development, working with Emily Coleman, Allison Hansen, Shefali Emmanuel, and Drew Bigelow. We plan for Topsoil to mature enough for initial adoption this year including a paper submittal to SoftwareX.

Elaina Cole will complete her development of Ambapo as part of her Honors College Bachelor’s essay and submittal of a paper to SoftwareX.

Julius Walton is taking over development of our MARS project as Tia Curry graduated in December 2017. Tia plans to continue contributing as time permits.

ET_Redux development for U-series and LAICP MS data processing will continue with a planned workshop for the community at AGU in December at Washington DC.

Squid3 development will accelerate and reach a milestone with a demonstration workshop at the 9th International SHRIMP workshop in Seoul, South Korea in August. Ryan Barrett is joining the Squid team.

CHRONI development goes into maintenance mode under the guidance of Gabrielle Cozart as we transition to developing the architecture and implementation of CIRDLES’ web services in 2018 with the team of Tyler Newman, Julian Smith, and Madison Maniaci.

Finally, John-Michael Baldy will continue his UIX work towards standardizing the look-and-feel of our family of products.