2020 brings changes to CIRDLES.org as we cope with COVID-19 and all-virtual collaboration.

This summer features virtually-conducted active work on Squid, Topsoil, MARS, and MarsMapMaker. Noah Drake will work with Dr. Bowring on Squid3 and Garrett Brenner and Jake Marotta will continue work on Topsoil - both projects in collaboration with the Geoscience Australia and the Canadian Geological Survey.

Julius Walton is leading a team of Josh Gilley, Robert Niggebrugge, and Aerin Parker on further development of MARS and MarsMapMaker, which we plan to take live this summer in collaboration with Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

Our other projects such as ET_Redux continue in maintenance mode.

If you would like to join our efforts, please contact Dr. Bowring.